The art of smudging
I periodically burn sage in my apartment and the reasons for which I do so vary. I often perform the ritual after a meditation. Sometimes, I do it on a Sunday evening to prep myself for the week while other times I do it to cleanse my space. I truly love the earthy scent. It makes me feel grounded, connected. It puts me at ease.
I’m not quite sure how I began smudging (the act of burning sage) but whenever I begin a practice of something, I always want to make sure I know the history behind it and understand why I’m doing it.
Many cultures have been burning herbs as part of sacred or spiritual rituals for centuries. The burning of sage however, has been closely tied with Native American culture. Historically, it has been used for the purpose of cleansing a person’s aura, increasing spiritual awareness and clearing a physical space of negative energy. It is also said to bring wisdom and clarity.
Beyond spirituality, sage boasts other beneficial properties. According to, “smoke from dried sage actually changes the ionic composition of the air, and can have a direct effect on reducing our stress response”. (“A Sage Smudging Ritual To Cleanse Your Aura & Clear Your Space” by Tiffany Maloney)
I buy my sage bundles at a local cafe. I usually set an intention before lighting it, blow the flame until the bundle begins to smoke. I then take the sage around the space, focusing on corners to break up stagnant energy and “high-traffic” areas like my doorways and kitchen. If my intention is to cleanse my own aura, I’ll perform rhythmic and circular movements around my body with my eyes closed and just let myself bask in the calmness.
If you choose to partake in the ritual of smudging sage, click here and here to read up on it in order to further understand what you’re doing and why!